Blog tagged as Educational Activities

Inauguration of AI Enabled Educational Smart Panels

                On behalf of our school management, principal, teachers and students we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Annamalai and the T M Foundation for their generous donation towards the technological advancement of our rur...

18.03.25 12:34 PM - Comment(s)
Farewell Ceremony - 2023
Chengam Ramakrishna Math Higher Secondary School held a farewell ceremony for the higher secondary second-year students, who are going to appear for the final examination from March 13. Parents of the students were also invited to participate.
24.08.23 11:49 AM - Comment(s)
Ramakrishna Math Teachers Camp - 2023
Chengam Ramakrishna Math Higher School observed the 9th International Yoga Day on 21st June 2023, at our School premises. We have attached here a few photographs for your kind reference.
24.08.23 11:32 AM - Comment(s)
Yoga Day celebration - 2023
Chengam Ramakrishna Math Higher School observed the 9th International Yoga Day on 21st June 2023, at our School premises. We have attached here a few photographs for your kind reference.
24.08.23 11:22 AM - Comment(s)
Swami Ramakrishnanandaji Jayanthi - 2023
The 161st Birth Anniversary of Srimat Swami Ramakrishnanandaji Maharaj was observed in our Ramakrishna Math, Chengam on 15.07.2023.
24.08.23 10:44 AM - Comment(s)